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Carol C. Davis

Carol C. Davis, 93, of Laramie, WY passed away on Friday, November 15, 2019 at Centre Avenue Health and Rehab in Fort Collins, Colorado.  She was born on February 20, 1926 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to John and Effie (Leeman) Clark.

Carol is preceded in death by her husband, Tom C. Davis.

She is survived by her daughters, Sandra (Tom) Joslyn of Thornton, Colorado and Lee Ann Sherman of Burns, Wyoming; her four grandchildren; and five great grandchildren.

Graveside services will take place at Shrine of Remembrance in Colorado Springs, Colorado

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1 Comment To "Carol C. Davis"

#1 Comment By Heidi M. Hurd On November 17, 2019 @ 1:03 pm

A Tribute to Woolly, From the Hurd Family
Carol was known to the Hurd Family as “Woolly” because when our mother, Jeanne Hurd, first met her while standing in a long line at the Laramie Post Office, Carol was wearing a very furry coat that practically consumed her. Our mother dubbed her “the Woolly Mammoth” and the nickname stuck over the long years of close friendship that she shared with our parents, with us, and with many dear friends who came to know, admire, and love her. After our mother died in 2013, our Dad, Carroll Hurd, and Woolly became the closest of friends, and we credit her with helping him through the enormous grief that followed our mother’s death. She, Jean Billingsley (nicknamed “Jean B” to distinguish her from our mother, Jeanne), our father, and U of W student Levi Kelly (an assistant to our father who fast became a close family friend) became the self-defined “Fearsome Foursome” and they went everywhere together. They shared jaunts to Fort Collins for theater events, held regular movie nights and dinners, organized birthday parties for one another, and went on regular outings to the mountains. Their bonds as a foursome, and their deep commitments to one another as individual friends, were rare and very special. .
Crucial to the extraordinary force that characterized the Fearsome Foursome were Wooly’s signature traits of character: her wry wit, her warm humor, her sassy style, her ability to poke fun at herself and others in equal measure, her playful spirit, her enjoyment of a good Scotch straight-up lifted to friendship, her gracious qualities as a hostess of events characterized by good food and lots of belly-laughs; her deep interest in and concern for others, and for others’ children and grandchildren; and her memorably croaky laugh and twinkling eyes. She was much loved by all of the Hurds–by Jeanne and Carroll, by their children, Heidi and Markham and their spouses Michael and Molly, and by their grandchildren, Aidan, Gillian, Makennan and Mariah. Wooly, thank you for all you brought to our lives.